How is the human papilloma virus in men and women, and can you get at home?

the human papilloma virus

The human papillomavirus (HPV) – a common name of a group of viruses causing various diseases. Known more than 100 types. The pathogen spread throughout the world. To avoid infection, it is important to know how is the human papilloma virus.

What is HPV infection?

HPV infection – a group of viral diseases caused by the human papilloma virus. At the moment, studied, described, above 100 types of the virus. For a long time scientists have studied the morphology of the pathogen, which allowed to determine what types of viruses which provoke pathology. Were identified separately, the group of HPV high risk cancer.

Due to the fact that HPV predominantly affects the reproductive system, a considerable attention to studying the problems given to the gynecologists. Talking about what is HPV in gynecology, it is necessary to note the high risk of developing cancer of the cervix. Experts found that the virus directly, rather, the 16-th and 18-th types of provoke the development of cancer process in the female reproductive system.

HPV transmission and infection

HPV is known for its resistance to environmental factors, so long time can keep the activity in the environment. This explains the ability of a pathogen to widespread. However, direct transmission of HPV by droplets does not occur. Talking about how it is transmitted HPV from person to person doctors point to the obligatory presence of a direct contact with the skin and mucous membrane of a carrier of the virus.

The way of transmission of HPV varied:

  • sexual;
  • contact-household;
  • vertical.

The most common way of transmission of HPV

method of transmission of HPV

First heard about this type of pathogen, patients often ask the doctor: is passed if the human papilloma virus sexually. Doctors say that this method is the most common. According to statistics, about 70% of people sexually active are carriers of HPV. The infection can occur repeatedly throughout life.

Most women and men become infected with HPV after a few months since the beginning of active sexual life. It should be noted that HPV is often attributed to sexually transmitted infections, however infection is possible during sex without penetration. Contact with the genitals of the virus may lead to infection.

Doctors call and the following ways of transmission of HPV:

  • when the kiss;
  • during oral sex.

HPV infections in the home

Some infectious disease specialists allocate household transmission of HPV. The percentage distribution of the virus in this way is small, however, we cannot completely exclude this possibility. The virus may remain active, hitting the pool, the bath, so infection is possible in public areas.

The infestation in the home takes place through kissing, use of personal care products infected with HPV. In such cases, increase the risk of infection:

  • the weakening of the immune system;
  • violation of rules of personal hygiene.

The risk of HPV infection

The probability of HPV infection increases sharply with the beginning of sexual life. This transfer path is regarded as the main. Thus, the specialists identify a number of factors, the presence of which is several times increases the risk of infection:

  • early sexual debut;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • the neglect of contraception.

It is separately necessary to tell about the possibility of infection in childhood. In most cases, HPV is transmitted from mother during childbirth. When promoting through the birth canal infection occurs baby. Children are easier to tolerate the infection, they have it almost does not occur. In addition, with the arrival together with mother's milk ready-made antibodies observed a spontaneous cure.

How is HPV infection?

Infection with HPV occurs by direct contact of mucous membranes, skin and genitals. During intercourse often have microcracks and damage to the mucous membranes, that only increases the risk of HPV infection. While there are some differences in the mechanisms of transmission of the virus in women and men.

How is human papillomavirus in men?


The probability of HPV infection in men is directly dependent on the number of permanent sexual partners. Frequent promiscuity in several times increase the likelihood of infection. In this case the man in most cases not aware of the presence of HPV virus in the body. The result is the spread of the virus further. 90% of sex occurs the infection of the partner, which previously was completely healthy.

How is the woman a human papilloma virus?

Ways of infection with HPV in women do not differ from those characteristic of men. In the first place is sexual. However, the risk of infection in women and increase some factors.

Among those gynecologists provide:

  • early sexual debut;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • abortion;
  • traumatic childbirth in anamnesis;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • stress;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives.

Transferred baby the human papilloma virus?

Knowing about the presence of HPV in the body, women planning pregnancy in the near future, one wonders whether the transmitted human papillomavirus from mother to baby. Experts say that the risk of infecting the baby exists. However, the children rarely has HPV, ways of infection are different from those in adults. Transmission often occurs at the stage of promotion of the fetus through the birth canal: the virus from the mucous membrane of the mother passes to the baby.

It is worth noting that the danger of such infection is low. In most cases, the kid's body manages to get rid of HPV within the first 2-3 months of life. This happens due to the receipt in the body of the infant antibodies from the mother's milk. The main danger HPV for toddlers is respiratory tract lesions – appearance of polyps. Such cases are rare and are treated more as exceptions.

HPV how long after exposure?

Learning about how is human papilloma virus, many patients are interested in the timing of first symptoms. Doctors can't say how quickly manifested after infection with HPV.

Very important are the following factors:

  • the age of the patient;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the body;
  • the state of the immune system.

In practice, the terms clinical manifestations of HPV are different. The appearance of warts, changes in the affected cells can be observed after a few weeks or months. In some cases first lesions on the skin in the groin area and genitals are detected a year later after being hit by a papilloma virus in the body. To determine the exact time of getting HPV in the organism is possible on the basis of the laboratory tests.

Signs of HPV infection

Symptoms of HPV infection occur lesions of the genitalia. In most cases the virus causes characteristic skin lesions. Patients record the vulgar appearance of papillomas and genital warts. Externally, these growths resemble a cauliflower, so to confuse them with other skin manifestations is difficult.

In women papillary growths pale pink color localized:

  • in the area of the labia minora;
  • in the groin;
  • on the clitoris;
  • near the external opening of the urethra;
  • on the eve of the vagina.

In some cases, warts are formed in the anus, if the woman is into anal. Strong growth of such formations leads to bleeding, pain during sexual intercourse. Men like education are localized in the pubic area, the crotch, at least – on the surface of the penis.

Vaccination against HPV after infection

Even for those who know, how is the human papilloma virus, it is not always possible to avoid infection. After rehabilitation treatment, to prevent HPV infection, to prevent development of relapse, doctors carried out the vaccination against human papilloma virus. Vaccinations prevent the development of viral infection for 15 years or more.