What is human papillomavirus and how to treat it

Human papillomavirus (HPV) affects epithelial cells and has a particle diameter of 55 nm. A special feature is the proliferation of the epithelium of the skin, as well as mucous membranes. At the initial stage, the pathogen usually affects the basal cells of the epithelium, penetrating into them through microtraumas. Localized papillomas are usually found on the skin of the neck, armpits, groin and genitals (most often), oral mucosa and nasopharynx.

This virus can exist for many years without symptoms. To detect HPV, electron microscopic or molecular hybridization methods are used.

Types of human papillomavirus

In humans, there is HPV, which affects the mucous membranes and skin. Among the large number of papillomaviruses, species with low and high oncogenic risk are distinguished. It has been proven that oncogenic properties are associated with the ability to integrate DNA into the genome of human cells.

The virus is activated in 10-20% of cases. Depending on its type, it can lead to benign or malignant lesions. Some HPVs are not oncogenic. They lead to the appearance of warts and genital warts. The most common are HPV 6 and 11.

HPV oncogenes are those that have a high risk of developing cancerous lesions, especially on the cervix or anus. As for the skin, HPV 16 and 18, as well as 5 and 8, which can lead to skin cancer, are more common. The most well-known form of cancer caused by HPV is cervical cancer. But men can also become infected with the papilloma virus, which in worst cases causes cancer of the penis or anus.

Often women encounter HPV 16 - this is a form in which introsomal parasitism is observed, i. e. outside the cell chromosome (benign). HPV 18 has a high risk of developing cancer - benign tumors are formed first, which after some time degenerate into cancer. Virions in this case have tiny sizes (up to 30 nm).

  • neoplasms of the cervix;
  • invasive or pre-invasive oncology;
  • genital warts of the urinary tract and genitals.

Features of infection

Features of HPV infection

The human papillomavirus is highly contagious. It is usually transmitted through direct contact, skin to skin or mucous membrane to mucous membrane, with an infected person. For a genital infection, this most often occurs during vaginal or oral sexual intercourse. Having a large number of sexual partners or other STIs (sexually transmitted infections) increases the risk. Indirect transmission through objects, contaminated clothing or bedding is also possible but is quite rare.

In 7% of cases, transmission of the virus from mother to child can occur during childbirth, when the infection is active. The risk increases to 40% if infected with HPV 16 or 18.

HPV symptoms

By penetrating the epithelium, violating its integrity, papillomavirus infection promotes the growth of the lower layer of epithelial cells in the form of condylomas or warts. This form of the disease is contagious and quickly spreads to others. As a rule, warts and condylomas do not cause metastases and often disappear spontaneously.

HPV symptoms

The incubation period lasts up to 9 months (average 3 months). HPV can be present in the body without obvious symptoms. The virus can go undetected for months or years. Even at this stage it is contagious.

Skin warts usually occur in groups and increase in number when scratched. The two most common forms of papillomas are either greyish, hard, raised with a broken surface (common wart) or flat and reddish (flat wart). Spiny warts occur on the soles of the feet or heels, grow inward and are therefore often painful.

  • Genital warts. Pale or reddish nodules that often appear in groups and occur on the labia, vagina, penis, urethra, anal canal, and rectum. They are highly contagious.
  • Flat condylomas. They appear in the form of flat nodes and are found mainly on the female genital organs. They increase the risk of developing cancer.
  • Giant condylomas (Buschke-Levenshtein tumors). They grow into huge formations, destroying surrounding tissues. In rare cases, they can degenerate and lead to squamous cell carcinoma.

Infection of the mucous membranes in the upper respiratory tract is also possible. The conjunctiva of the eyes may be affected, resulting in pink stalky growths.
It is more difficult to detect an asymptomatic course, which the doctor can only see with the help of auxiliary means such as acetic acid (causes discoloration of warts) or a microscope.

In addition, the virus can also take up residence in cells without any tissue changes. Then they talk about a latent infection, that is, the presence of pathogens, but without symptoms. Once infected, this phase can last from several weeks to several months.

Possible consequences

When infected, viruses penetrate the cells of the integumentary tissue of the skin and mucous membrane, settle in the nuclei of cellular structures and multiply there. Typically, such HPV infections go unnoticed and heal on their own without consequences, since the immune system successfully fights the pathogen.

However, some types of HPV create skin changes called growths. Possible forms include genital warts or condylomas and papillomas, which can affect, for example, the face, arms or legs.

The tissue changes caused are mostly benign, but can also degenerate and lead to cancer. For example, cancer can occur decades after an HPV infection. Cancer of the external female genitalia (cancer of the vulva and vagina), anal cancer, cancer of the penis, and cancer of the mouth and throat (tumors of the head and neck) are also possible.

Establishing diagnosis

establishing diagnosis

A test for HPV infection is carried out in women as part of preventive visits to the gynecologist. During a gynecological examination, a smear is taken from the lining of the cervix, this is called a Papanicolaou test (cytological examination). The resulting material is studied for tissue changes to determine precancerous conditions.

In addition, an HPV test may be performed, in which cellular material from a mucosal swab or tissue sample is tested in a laboratory for the presence of certain viruses. However, this only proves that the affected area is infected, but does not make any statements about whether tissue changes have occurred. Thus, an HPV test makes sense, especially when combined with a Pap test, and can help detect cancer precursors at an early stage.

If the test is positive, there is no cause for concern since infections do not always lead to cancer. Regular examination is recommended to detect tissue changes at an early stage. Conversely, a negative test result does not indicate whether there was a past infection that the body successfully fought off.

For men, there is no preventive examination in which the test would be carried out regularly. If an underlying cancer exists, testing the tumor can determine whether HPV infection is underlying the cancer.

Specialized DNA methods are also used in laboratory diagnostics, such as real-time PCR. Anogenital warts caused by HPV types 6 and 11 are easily detected during a gynecological examination.

How to cure human papillomavirus

how to treat HPV

In most cases, the disease does not require treatment because it goes away on its own and then the viruses are no longer detected. However, if this is not the case, the infection may last longer and persist for months or years.

To date, there are no methods of systemic influence on this virus that could completely destroy it. However, treating existing warts reduces the number of viruses, so in many cases the immune system can fight off the remaining viruses and thus get rid of them. In some cases, the pathogens survive and can cause symptoms of the disease again and again.

  • Plantar and genital warts can be treated with medications formulated with salicylic acid for topical application.
  • Cryotherapy is also a method often used for HPV. In this case, the wart is burned with cold, using liquid nitrogen.
  • Lasers or electrocautery are equally used methods.

For cancer caused by HPV, treatment is much more difficult. For cervical cancer, it is often advisable to remove the uterus, respectively the upper part of the vagina and ovaries. This can be supplemented with radiation therapy to eliminate the possibility of relapse. Other cancers caused by HPV are most often treated with targeted therapy, such as radiation or chemotherapy.

It should be remembered that the operation is not a radical solution, but only solves a cosmetic problem, since after removal the virus can remain in the surrounding tissues and condylomas can appear again.

Prevention of infection

what do papillomas look like

There are two vaccinations: a bivalent vaccine against HPV 16 and 18 and a quadrivalent vaccine against HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18. Vaccination is recommended for all young girls aged 14 years and older.

Vaccination does not protect against all types of HPV. Therefore, all women aged 25 to 65 years, even if vaccinated, are advised to undergo regular smear examinations.

Timely detection and complete removal of condylomas reduces the risk of disease. The effectiveness of using condoms to protect against transmission of infection can significantly reduce the risk of developing this disease. The most promising way to prevent and treat the initial stages of the disease caused by this infection is a specific polyvalent vaccine.

Why plantar warts appear and treatment methods

Warts are skin lesions that appear in the form of special round formations protruding above the surface. They arise due to specific viruses.

plantar warts

These formations often cause physical discomfort due to their location. Even after treatment they tend to recur.

Types and reasons

There are a lot of varieties of warts; they are classified according to a number of characteristics:

  1. Simple. They occur on exposed parts of the body, arms, legs, face, and scalp. They are usually not dangerous, but they are not aesthetically pleasing and can multiply quickly, affecting large areas of the skin. They are arranged as if in "families".
  2. Plantar. Their localization is exclusively on the feet. Causes discomfort when walking.

The main cause is infection with the human papillomavirus, which affects the mucous membranes and skin.

Human papillomavirus

This is one of the most common viruses on Earth. Infection can occur in several ways:

  • contact and household (through touch);
  • sexual (genital, anal, oral-genital);
  • in childbirth from mother to child.
causes of plantar warts

The period of development of the disease ranges from several weeks to tens of years, this is explained by the fact that the virus may not manifest itself for a long time, but as soon as the immunity becomes a little weaker, growths immediately appear on the skin and/or mucous membranes. The main danger of this disease is that certain types of HPV are highly likely to cause the formation of a malignant tumor (cancer of the skin or mucous membranes). To make sure that the disease will not lead to the formation of a tumor, it is necessary to undergo examination by a doctor and not self-medicate.

Symptoms and types of warts on the foot

A plantar wart appears as a callus-like thickening with a stratum corneum layer of skin. It interferes with walking and causes pain. The passive state is characterized by slow reproduction, not reaching the stratum corneum of the epithelium, so this condition does not manifest itself externally.

The active state is characterized by the fact that the virus develops rapidly and, rising to the upper layers of the epidermis, manifests itself in numerous symptoms. The plantar wart is also called the spinous wart, chicken wart. The virus enters during its contact with the skin through cuts and abrasions in the outer layer of the skin:

  1. First, a small yellowish-gray papule with an uneven surface appears.
  2. Gradually, the small element becomes dense and acquires a dirty color.
types of warts on the foot

From the inside, a plantar wart looks like fused papillae of different sizes with a pinkish tint. Additional capillary vessels form there, causing bleeding if you catch a wart.

Removal of plantar warts

It is worth treating a plantar wart if:

  1. There are painful sensations.
  2. The wart is bleeding.
  3. There were spots on it.
  4. The wart quickly increases in size.

There are many treatment methods. One of them is cryodestruction. The meaning of the method is that the wart is exposed to liquid nitrogen at a temperature of minus 196 degrees. The virus-affected area is frozen and the wart is removed.

The usual and aggressive method of exposure is used. With the aggressive method, nitrogen is applied for a few seconds longer, but this method is more painful. It is important to note that if a wart appears and exists for more than six months, then the effectiveness of cryodestruction is greatly reduced, and the meaning of such an operation, accordingly, also disappears.

removal of plantar warts

After removing a plantar wart using liquid nitrogen, you should follow some recommendations:

  • the blister remaining at the site of the wart cannot be opened;
  • to avoid mechanical damage, use a sterile bandage rather than a plaster;
  • Treat the affected area with salicylic alcohol 2% twice a day;
  • try to prevent water from entering the affected area.

Another method is laser coagulation. This is one of the most common methods for removing warts. Most laser systems are equipped with a special cooling system. Thus, the procedure takes place with minimal discomfort and does not allow inflammation, since the laser has antiseptic properties. Moreover, this is a non-contact method.

There are several ways:

  1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser. Treatment in this case occurs using infrared light. The method is 70% effective, but the downside is that healthy tissue can also be damaged.
  2. Erbium laser. This treatment method uses a shorter wavelength, which reduces the likelihood of scarring after surgery. Efficiency is typically 75%.
  3. Pulsed dye laser. With this method of exposure, the primary destruction of dilated capillaries in the wart and stimulation of the immune system, which contributes to effective healing. The effectiveness of treatment is about 95%.

After laser treatment, a crust forms on the affected area, which disappears on its own within seven to ten days. The recommendations for this method of treatment are the same as after exposure to nitrogen - avoid mechanical damage and ingress of water.

The next way to remove warts is electrocoagulation. In this case, a high frequency current is applied to the wart. Treatment is carried out under local anesthesia. Exposure of a wart to high temperatures leads to the evaporation of cells affected by the papilloma virus. Another advantage of this method is that cauterization of blood vessels prevents bleeding. After surgery, a crust forms on the affected area of the skin, which disappears within 7 to 10 days.

A plantar wart can be treated with direct surgery. In this case, excision occurs under local anesthesia, then sutures are applied. After the operation, the doctor will prescribe certain recommendations. Thus, it is recommended to prevent water and soap from entering the affected area, not to tear off the resulting crust, and to treat the affected area with an antiseptic in the first 7-10 days.

contraindications to wart removal

For each type of operation there are certain contraindications. Thus, it will be impossible to perform the operation if the following occurs:

  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant tumors in the body;
  • infection and inflammation around the wart;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • elevated temperature.

If your blood pressure is high, the procedure should also be postponed.

Treatment of warts without surgery

treatment of warts without surgery

People often wonder how to remove a plantar wart without surgery. To do this, you can use pharmaceutical ointments and solutions.

Basically, these ointments have the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antiviral;
  • antifungal.

In addition, it may contain vitamin E, which also has a positive effect on treatment, since vitamins generally strengthen the body and reduce the risk of relapse.

It is important that these products should be used for single and shallow plantar warts. Moreover, if any side effects occur, it is necessary to wash off the drug with plenty of warm water and immediately seek help from a doctor.

So, it is possible to cure warts, there are many ways to do this, but you should not do this without first consulting a doctor, so as not to harm your health. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate if the attending physician prescribes contraindications.

Treatment of papillomas on the body

Hardware methods

Modern hardware methods for treating papillomas make it possible to get rid of them and prevent the development of relapse of the disease. The most commonly used methods are:

  • Cryodestruction is the destruction of growths by exposing them to low temperatures.
  • Electrocoagulation is the cauterization of formations with an electric current, the strength and frequency of which is selected depending on the size, type and density of the papilloma.
  • Laser removal. The type of impact is clear from the name. The procedure takes no more than 15 minutes and helps to get rid of unpleasant growths forever.

Drug treatment

Among the medications used are celandine, castor oil, lapis pencil, Sani Skin and Dermavit preparations.

They demonstrate varying effectiveness and do not prevent relapse of the disease. The main disadvantage of drug therapy for papillomas is the frequent development of allergic reactions.

Prevention of papillomas

In order to avoid the appearance of growths and avoid infection with the human papillomavirus, you should:

  • Use barrier contraception during sexual intercourse.
  • Observe personal hygiene rules and use only individual towels, soap and a toothbrush.
  • When visiting public baths, do not neglect to wear rubber shoes.

You should also normalize your daily routine, eat a balanced diet, give up bad habits and avoid stressful situations. These factors are not the cause of the disease, but can provoke its development if the virus is already present in the body.